Tuesday, April 15, 2008

And Now For A Commercial Break.....

We interrupt our regularly scheduled posting, to bring you this adorable commercial (recorded back in 2002). This was our entry for a contest sponsored by Oscar Meyer Weiner. The video features (clockwise from top left) fifth graders Patrick, Adiza, Medina, Carmelo, and kindergartener Rafael in the center.

The following year we made our classic Oscar Meyer hot dog commercial previously posted on the site. Here it is again to save you the trouble of searching!


  1. o my god even when u didnt have this video on the website, i still looked us up and found the oscar myere weiner video its so funny and i noticed that ms. Kim`s son is in this video. they are all hilarious.
    PS i liked that u picked amber 4 the solo she deserves it


  2. i can`t tell you how many times iv watched that video on youtube!!!


  3. He is so cute!!!! Gotta love that huge, toothy grin, spaces and all!

  4. This kid is absolutely fantastic!!!

  5. Wow. I am blown away by how creative these kids are- but not really- I mean being young is to be creative. They are nonstop. I love what you are doing. Are you their teacher of multiple subjects or chorus only? I teach kindergarten. I would to do this with my students. This summer I learn guitar. Thank you for sharing this. I am inspired.

  6. Hi Hilary! Thanks for your kind mesasge. Yes, I teach music exclusively. My chorus meets with me twice a week, and it's great in this day and age that I'm able to even HAVE a chorus. Good luck with the guitar, and I heartily recommend this kind of work if you can get it!!


  7. I must tell you Mr. B your passion for these children comes across ever sooooo HUGE! I am moved to tears just feeling the LOVE you have for these kids. I was searching for information on the Movie, "Just Wright,” and saw the video with Queen Latifah sneaking up on the kids. I just love the Spirit of these children singing, you could see it in there expressions, you could almost feel their passion – AWESOME!! Anyway, one click leads to another and here I am sending you a message. You have an AWESOME Spirit -- keep up the good work!!! LizQ :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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