Friday, May 25, 2007

PS22 Chorus in USA TODAY!

Click on the article to enlarge


  1. Hey Mr.B,
    It must have been really exciting for you to see that the chorus was in the newspaper. The chorus must have been excited too.

    WE MISS YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. Good luck on your next performance.
    From your,

  2. Twinnies!

    We miss you too as always! It is always great to see the chorus in the paper! But it was SUPER-GREAT to see you two for the carnival the other day!

    Mr. B

  3. My two cents, the choir should have been the feature story!

  4. We are every where today !! {we should be }lol Thanks Mr.b From {chorus member } ridmila

  5. I will never forget snuggle


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-- MGMT. :)

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