Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Chorus covers "Father's Son"......

After getting preliminary instruction on this song by Tori Amos herself, it seemed only fitting that we follow through.... Here are the results so far from today's rehearsal. Not too shabby!! And our Breana sounds G-R-E-A-T on the solo!!! YAY BANANA!!!!!! (Don't hurt me.)


  1. Hi Gregg!

    Everytime you post a new song that makes me cry, you're going to get a message!

    You kids rock. Breana... way to go girl! I don't know what else to say except... WOW!!! :) And you made a Canadian girl smile!

    Thanks again!

  2. Thanks Cara! I hope you'll be sending us lots of messages under your terms! :)

    And this is quite a coincidence!! Our goal today was to make a Canadian girl smile! Glad it was you!!


  3. Hi,
    I was just randomnly searching for some blogs and came across yours. The song is too good! The voices of those tiny tots add so many flavours to the song, which i really relished. You're a good teacher I guess :)

    Priyanka Pradeep

  4. Hi Gregg!!!
    Another adoring fan of the chorus and your work! (of Tori, too!)

    Letting you know you were features on Vh1's "Rockoshpere"--I was just looking up stuff on you all today and found this text with a link to you!:

    May 11, 2007
    Rockosphere: Smiths Break Wind, Kids Sing Tori
    - Morrissey + Beans = Smiths Songs of Flatulence
    Every tune has some hidden meaning [College Humor]

    - Nelly & Tim Want to Rock Out
    Ditch the beats and turn those amps up to 11 [Billboard]

    - Keep Music In The Schools
    Want to hear a kids chorus from Staten Island sing Tori Amos's "Purple People"? [PS22]

  5. Mr.B Cara almost made me cry with her comment! Thanks for the solo!

    P.S. I'm not going to kill u!

  6. Hey Bre! I knew you'd be proud after reading that comment!! NOW you know why I wanted you to go on to the site!! (I was going to tell you in school, but I wanted you to be surprised!)

    Congrats again on a great solo performance!!!!!


  7. mr.b the page looks great yes it is my first time seeing it.anyways we sound awesome thanks to u ur the greatest teacher really thanks again.

    remember dont spary it say it

    from dita :)

  8. u know zaudita i was actually happy to get a NICE comment from one of you chorus choo-dren for a change, but you had to mess it all up at the end!! i will look into that "spit guard"....

    Mr. B

  9. Congrats on the solo Breana!You sound great on it.


  10. Hello!

    I just got back from Tori's concert in Paris, France, and discovered your videos on the web.
    I love your work! I hope you'll keep on being inspired by Tori.
    Congratulations to you and the kids Wish you all the best for the future.
    Thanks a lot!

    A french Tori fan ;)

  11. I LoVe the new page !!! We sound great too !!! From {ur amazing actor/singer } Ridmila

  12. Dear Mr.B,
    I can not believe I got 2 amazing comments! First Cara now Ziha! nd I am on zauditas side with the spit guard! When is ur b-day?!


  13. Bre,

    I can believe it.... But I CAN'T believe you're siding with Ziha!!

    OOOOOOH!!! Big trouble, young lady!

    Mr. B

  14. Hi mr.B, this song is amazing it really makes me remember about my fav. cousin.can't wait 'til she see's it.

    congrats,breana on the solo. P.S.U r a great singer gurll!!!!!

  15. Awwwww, this gave me goosebumps! Lovely! :)

  16. Hey Mr.B,
    It's Breana..a.k.a Bannana lol. I'm in high school now as a freshman and just wanted to apologize for not being able to come and visit you guys yet, I have saw how much you have done with the chorus and im so happy for you! Btw, I go to LaGuardia now for Dance and Lynette goes for vocal..I miss you, that great school , and the chorus!
    Love, Bre<3

  17. thanks bre!! you should be proud of yourself as well -- you were part of this thing too ya know! what a treat to hear from you, and how awesome about laguardia!!! so proud!!


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-- MGMT. :)

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