Wednesday, November 15, 2006

PS22 Chorus sings for The March Of Dimes at Borough Hall!

(Click article to enlarge)


  1. Hi, my name is Zane Cimino and I live is Seattle Washington and I some how stumbled upon youtube videos of the choir and I am just completely amazed. I'm in the nations first gay straight alliance youth chorus, so I really love listening to, I dont know, uplifting music, and these kids are just amazing. I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed watchin them even if it was only on a video.

  2. I also stumbled onto your videos on YouTube. Wonderfully inspiring. I commend you, Mr. B. for having such vatility and vibrancy in life and in the love of what you do. It is through you that these kids have a world to explore and to thrive with their talents. And what amazing talents they all are. I look forward to seeing more and hopefully hearing them in person. And Justin is beyond belief! Thanks for all your love and hard work.


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-- MGMT. :)

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