Monday, November 06, 2006

Another Beautiful Write-up On The PS22 Chorus In The Staten Island Advance

(click on the article to enlarge)

1 comment:

  1. Hi there David,
    Was searching for some Tori videos on YouTube when I stumbled across your incredibly arranged and performed Tori songs - what a fabulous idea! I'm a musician and music teacher myself... I would have never conceived of giving children Tori songs to sing/perform - amazing!
    Your playing is excellent too, I might add :) There I was thinking I was the only person in the world who could REALLY play Tori properly and do it the Tori-way (hehe) but it's wonderful to hear/find another like-minded/eared and as-obsessed toriphile out there!
    Anyway, would love to keep in touch as we both clearly adore Ms Amos and probably have a lot more in common...
    If you're interested in corresponding and have a myspace, feel free to add me (or check out my music if you wish)...
    Would love to hear from you in any shape or form!
    I'm in Australia, by the way :)
    Have a wonderful day!


All comments are subject for approval. So be patient if it doesn't appear right away. I do my best to reply to all comments, but time doesn't always allow. Every comment is read and appreciated, believe me!

-- MGMT. :)

PS NO spam will be permitted.