Saturday, September 30, 2006

PS22 Chorus sings Massive Attack & Hooverphonic

Here are two more goodies from 2003. First, I wrote this little tune called "Pull Some Time," and then realized it worked perfectly on top of Massive Attack's "Eurochild".

Next is a beautiful song by Hooverphonic called, "The Kiss." That's Alexandra doing the lovely soloing.


  1. OMG!!!! Mr.B this is so cool....i remember all those good times in chorus and then singing with JUDY TORRES!!!!!!! in the 2nd pic of that u see my big head perfectly!!!! I really miss that school.....we had lots of fun especially when u showed us the oscer myer wiener commercial!!!!!lol.... i'll pass by PS22 one day and hang out with the BEST MUSIC TEACHER IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!

    -Edwin Balcarcel (:

  2. Hey Edwin!

    I've been meaning to respond to you, and I apologize for taking this long! Thanks for that great message -- I told your mom how cool it was to hear from you! I'm glad you enjoyed the site, and how great to have this forum to keep alive the great music you and your chorus made for all time! I hope you and that "big head" (you're still funny!) of yours do pass by 22 before you move to Pennsylvania. Or maybe you can help me in the plot to keep you guys here on Staten Island so that your sisters can stay in chorus until graduation.....

  3. i love Massive Attack that end up great! very beautiful! you guys are great!


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-- MGMT. :)

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