Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Because of his incredible performance of "Lift Every Voice & Sing" at the Sandy Ground dramatic musical (posted previously), the P.S.22 Chorus' very own Justin has been selected to perform at the Martin Luther King Memorial Observance Ceremony ( on Monday, January 15th, 2007!!!

One of the Sandy Ground descendants took notice of Justin's prodigious talent, and recommended him for this huge honor! And a HUGE honor it is, as this observance is the most highly-regarded & prestigious M.L.K. Jr. honarary event in the entire nation. It will be broadcast live in 5 states, and is known to attract over 40 million viewers! Justin, we are so thrilled for and incredibly proud of you! No one is more qualified than you to represent the heart and soul of P.S.22 at this important tribute to a real American hero.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen this performance! It was unbelieveable!! His performance was not only fantastic but full of emotion!! Job well done, Justin!


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