Sunday, May 03, 2015

Taylor Swift Tweets to PS22 Chorus!!

Recently, the PS22 Chorus rocked the 2015 New Yorker for New York Gala with this powerhouse rendition of "Welcome To New York" by Taylor Swift, which brought the house down! The most gratifying result was that Taylor Swift herself posted a fantastic response on her Twitter and Facebook pages (which you can see below)!!  The video was also acknowledged by our friend, Perez Hilton, MTV, and Cosmopolitan, among others!!

1 comment:

  1. How do you do it? I'm an elementary music teacher by trade but have had middle school chorus added to my class load this year. Do you have your arrangements for purchase? How do your rehearsals go? Your kids are amazing and I'd love to hear any any advice you might have. Thanks!


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