Sunday, May 03, 2015

PS22 Chorus Hits All Time Low.... And It ROCKS!!!

PS22 Chorus plugs in for this raucous rendition of the brand new "Kids In The Dark" by awesome indie rockers, All Time Low!  Fasten your seatbelts.....

All Time Low tweeted about the "amazing cover" and lead singer, Alex, said it was "so rad!!!" Check out the tweets below!


  1. This video has already earned a place in my Best-of list of the year. Although I'm hoping that we're still going to get even more great videos.

  2. Hey Mr. B i hope you are doing well! I don't think you remember me but its Isaac G. from the 2010 chorus!

  3. @Isaac, Of course I remember you -- one of my most soulful altos! Great to hear from you! Hope you and your bro are doing well! Come visit one of these days....

  4. Hey Mr.B, unfortunately I have still not gotten a copy of the Once In A Lullaby. How can I get my hands on one? Or at least be able to watch it?

    - chorus member of 2011

    1. Come visit when the new school year begins and we'll give you a copy. :)

    2. Come visit when the new school year begins and we'll give you a copy. :)

  5. I need to talk to Mr. B. I am a fellow elementary music teacher from Massachusetts. We just performed John Lennon's Imagine at last night's concert. I got a very disturbing note from a grandfather regarding this song and would like to share with you. I have no words to reply to him

  6. @anonymous Feel free to e-mail me using the E-MAIL icon on the right side bar. I try my best to reply if/when time allows. Thanks!

  7. Hey Mr.b not sure if you remember me but I just wanted to say greetings from Florida, and id also like to congratulate your work as a teacher and composer. I'll come visit you soon!

  8. Katherine ruth garlandApril 11, 2017 at 2:22 PM

    I know you probably get 1000s of requests for music but I was wanting to ask if you could possibly do the song called "the luckiest " by Ben Folds. I think it could show case some of the kids beautiful solo voices and it's an uplifting song.


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-- MGMT. :)

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