Friday, October 31, 2014

Celebrate Halloween with the "SCARECROW!"

Ms. Lisa requested this song a couple of weeks ago, and we decided it was the perfect choice for the PS22 Chorus of 2015 to sing on Halloween!! It's a PHENOMENAL performance of "Scarecrow" by Alex & Sierra! The new chorus members completely outdid themselves on this one, and were happy to welcome the incredible 4th grader Dapo (brother of "Boom Clap" soloist Aesha) in on the fun to help out with those really low notes on the solo parts!! Have I mentioned how much I'm loving this new 2015 crew???

UPDATE: Alex & Sierra posted the video on their Facebook page and want to "hug all of you little munchkins!"


  1. Mr. B.,

    Another year of brilliance has started. These kids are so fortunate to have you as their teacher. We are so fortunate to be able to share in their talent.

    I am glad to see that you seem to have a never-ending supply of "awesome sauce".

    God Bless each, and everyone, of you.

    CF (Canadian Friend)

    PS. Any chance of them singing 'Let it Be'?

  2. This is the awesomeness that made me addicted to your videos. I love how the kids got into the performance (the "dance" and, of course the singing). And, no, I don't think you mentioned how much you love the group. At least not that often.


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-- MGMT. :)

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