Thursday, October 23, 2014

Boom Clap! PS22 Chorus of 2015 Officially Arrives!!

PS22 Chorus of 2015 marks its official arrival in a big way with its first video of the year, and the new crew doesn't disappoint!! The kids bring their A-game to Charli XCX's energetic pop smash, "Boom Clap," with some beautifully executed harmonies, a dreamy unison, a sincere passionate performance, AND featuring a gorgeous solo from new member Aesha! If this is the caliber of performance we can expect from these kids on a regular basis, it's safe to say it's going to be quite a year!!


  1. I love how the new group starts off. So, welcome,PS22 Chorus of 2015!

  2. i love ps22 couris <3

  3. Hi! I'm a fellow music teacher in Mississippi and was wondering if you had any arrangements of songs available? My current school is quite small with no budget for music or instruments and I'd love to be able to teach modern/classic songs to my 4th and 5th graders. The problem is that I have no budget and can't play things on the piano without sheet music. Any tips, guidance, suggestions would be appreciated. Love watching your sweet babies sing their hearts out. Best of luck in the new school year,



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-- MGMT. :)

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