Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Last month, O.A.R. came to jam with PS22 Chorus and it was an epic collaboration! The kids joined in on three of their songs with some magnificent harmonies and the band even joined in with us on a couple of our songs as well! Check out four of the highlights from the amazing afternoon with O.A.R.!!!

Thanks to Marc and Jerry from O.A.R. for a memorable afternoon! Big thanks also to Stephanie and Lauren from O.A.R's team for putting this together and, with Marc's wife Nasim, sending the kids CDs, stickers, and shirts!  The kids made a special thank you video to the band for all the goodies and for the wonderful afternoon with the help of 2004 PS22 Chorus alum, Clive!  Check it out below!

We leave you with some great pics, courtesy of Victor Breinberg! (For more pics with O.A.R., check out our Facebook page!


  1. I had not heard of O.A.R. before, but it's quite obvious that you all had a lot of fun. My personal favorite of this set is Peace because it's so obvious how much fun you're all having and I love the end of the song from the very first time I watched.

    Oh, and I had no idea how a Saxophone could add to a song.

  2. I'm a chorus director of 4th and 5th graders, and I'm so happy to hear your students! Where do you get your arrangements? My kids would adore performing these songs! Beautiful tone and great songs!


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-- MGMT. :)

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