Thursday, February 13, 2014

LOVE SOMEBODY: The Valentine's Day Project

Recently I reached out to Joe Vercellino, the music teacher at Northpointe Academy in Detroit, Michigan, to congratulate him on the amazing work he's doing with his Beasts of The Beat project. (Someone had sent me a link to a local news station spotlighting the group via Twitter.) He responded saying he'd love to collaborate, connecting his Northpointe Academy Chorus with the PS22 Chorus, suggesting we sing "Love Somebody" by Maroon 5 for a special Valentine's Day video. The results are what you see and hear, an innovative video submitted to promote music education, connectivity, and some seasonal love!  Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. This is absolutely brilliant!

    Happy Valentine's Day to PS22


  2. Happy Valentine's day to the ps22 chorus.

    And I live in Michigan that is cool your chorus should come to Michigan one day and sing or something. Great job from two of chorus groups and two of soloists from each chorus from two different states

    ~ brittani

  3. Can I choose a whole Choir to love? Well, even if I couldn't: Love you guys.

    And then I'm left wondering what the purple necklaces and the purple clothing means.

  4. Thank you! You just turned a sort of *meh* day into one that is all smiles. You guys are awesome!

  5. So fun!!!
    So, hey, has this been shared with Adam Levine and Maroon 5 yet??? Gotta do that!


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-- MGMT. :)

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