Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Wrecking Ball!

Prepare to be pulverized as the PS22 Chorus kids present their unique take on "Wrecking Ball" by Miley Cyrus! The video features an absolutely breathtaking solo from ridiculously talented chorus member Tylia! She and the chorus give everything they've got, and in doing so, make this performance a real knock out... literally!!

UPDATE (12-4-13): The kids got some smashing praise from our best bud, Perez Hilton, for their latest cover! Screencap below!


  1. Oh, wow. So, Tylia is not a Bass, but she's amazing. Oh, and the kids in the background are awesome and way cool as well.

    Not that that needs saying, but it doesn't hurt to repeat, does it?

  2. They sound so good and I saw on YouTube you have you top 22 ps22 chorus of 2014 and now you just need a song selection on this blog



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-- MGMT. :)

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