Thursday, October 31, 2013

PS22 Chorus Feels Like A MONSTER!

PS22 Chorus of 2014 releases its inner monster this Halloween with a crazy-cool cover of "Monster" by Skillet, which the kids only learned today! Thanks to 'nocturnal' zombie-twin Adrian for the song suggestion....


  1. Yes! This is gold.
    Love it.
    Thank you.

  2. I'm having difficulty matching these awesome kids with the word monster. So, no, I don't think you are monsters.

  3. mr. B one day you might want to make a song Selections for the chorus of 2014 because they have already did like 4 songs in this year like this

    2013-2014 Selections
    Roar by ROAR" by Katy Perry
    Waiting For Superman with Daughtry
    Pompeii" by Bastille
    Monster" by Skillet

    and for youtube you might want to add a top 22 of ps22 chorus of 2014 when two songs the your chorus have sang is my top two favorite roar and pompeii



  4. Hi Mr. B,

    Was looking at some of your past videos tonight. In the 5 or 6 years i have been following your chorus the most moving performance I have seen was when you performed with "Young at Heart". I am hoping that your chorus can perform with them again. It teaches love, respect, kindness for all.

    God bless,


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-- MGMT. :)

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