Thursday, May 16, 2013

Red Hands

PS22 Chorus sings "Red Hands" by Walk Off The Earth and it's truly oUt oF tHiS wOrLd!! Just when you think it can't get any better, the kids kick it up yet another notch with a cover that just crackles with energy, and that lightning definitely struck with a vengeance here! Big props to Graceanna for demonstrating her new-found xylophone skills, Aaron for enhancing the electricity with his fantastic drumming, soloists Dorian & Melina for providing top-notch vocals, and the entire chorus for delivering a performance that undoubtedly earns the title of an all-time favorite!

Thanks to Walk Off The Earth for the amazing props given via their Twitter & Facebook pages!


  1. I knew you all had quite some skills. But it's still amazing to see them put to good use. And I'm not only talking about the singing but also about drums and Xylophone.


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-- MGMT. :)

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