Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Check out this powerful version of "Mirrors" by Justin Timberlake featuring some beautiful soloing by Delaney!


  1. Yay, Delaney! I've so been hoping and waiting for a longer solo from her. Oh, and well done, everyone. Of course. And I love how you can tell that it's not 'just' music but how everyone feels the song. If only the chorus year could be longer than the school year...

  2. I love the solo from Delaney she did great even the rest of the chorus group, I can tell ricky got a hair cut I could not if that was him or not but does. and you can post that picture I send you of all the chorus group


  3. Faith F. from the 2012 chorus says,

    Amazing you guys sing great as always. Good job Delaney that was totally awsome!

  4. Omg I cant believe it u guys r the best chorus in the world. I love u guys soo much.

    -kahlil w. 2012

  5. You Are The Best chorus in the world


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-- MGMT. :)

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