Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Mr. Tambourine Man

The song "Mr. Tambourine Man" by Bob Dylan has been covered by a host of amazing artists, including Melanie, Odetta, Judy Collins, even William Shatner, and most notably by The Byrds. Here, PS22 Chorus offers up its own interpretation of this classic tune, and it features a beautiful performance by Vanecia on the leads!


  1. It shouldn't have surprised anyone that this beautiful young lady is not only eloquent (as shown in "Titanium") but also a great singer.

    Fortunately, it didn't surprise me.

  2. Aloha Mr B.

    My name is Justin and I am a special education teacher. First what you are doing with these students is AWESOME and I tell so many people about you and what you are doing at this school. Well this year I am fortunate enough to work with another AWESOME teacher by the name of Ms. Olive. She teaches 2nd grade inclusion class. We co-teach part of the time as 2 of my students have a lot of interaction with her class. Both of my students have some major special needs. One of has cerebral palsy and is in a wheel chair.

    Ms. Olive and myself were not sure how the students would take to these 2 students being in the classroom with them. The results are just simply amazing. Everyday we are seeing moments that would just bring tears to anyones eyes.

    So, in Hawaii there is this big event that all the schools do called Hoike or May Day. It is basically performances done with songs and dancing. Where we teach the community is really into Hoike. This year Ms. Olive and myself really wanted to do something special to showcase the bond that all the students have with these two special needs students. I have been following you for a few years and I instantly thought of One Day!!

    Make a even longer story shorter the students are going to sing and 3 8th grade girls are playing the ukele. This is the first time that there is no dance. We are letting the students just sing and feel the music. The one student that is in the wheel chair at first was not that verbal, but through the interaction with Ms. Olive's class she is more verbal than anyone has seen in years. She is really belting out this song too with the 2nd grade chorus.

    Ms. Olive and myself no nothing about music but think it is great what you are doing and we want to actually do something like this here one day.


    Ps. I would really like to maybe do a FaceTime with you and your class with our classes.

  3. Mr. B,

    This was incredible - my favourite song of all time (I guess this dates me a bit - actually really dates me). Vanecia's solo was brilliant. Last year it was "Bridge over Troubled Water". At Christmas "Silent Night". I stumbled upon PS22 in 2009 when i googled "Sloop John B". I am so happy i came across PS22. You, and your kids, have brought so much joy and happiness to me, and to so many people worldwide.

    You do a fine job sir. I do not know if it is possible, but can the chorus sing "Let it Be" by the Beatles.

    God Bless you, the children, and their families.



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-- MGMT. :)

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