Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Don't You Worry Child

We are so thrilled with the amazing reception our 'duet' with Ithacappella on "Don't You Worry Child" by Swedish House Mafia (ft. John Martin)! For any and all interested, here is the original PS22 Chorus arrangement of the song before mixing it up with the amazingly talented gentlemen from Ithaca College! We're quite proud of both renditions....


  1. It might sound like I've said it before (because I have), but you're awesome. All of you.

    I love both videos. If I absolutely had to choose one over the other the Ithacappella version would win, not because you're singing differently (if you are I haven't noticed yet), but because they sound like an orchestra. That makes the song sound even more awesome.

    What I like about this version (apart from the awesomeness I can't stop mentioning) is that a couple of kids I missed in the other video are in this one.

    Keep on rocking.

  2. OMG., you are all awesome!!!!!!

  3. You all are so good at singing!
    I'm probably going to be watching you like all night :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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