Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Do You Hear What I Hear?

The PS22 Chorus of 2013 ushers in the holiday season with this beautiful version of the Christmas song, "Do You Hear What I Hear?" written by Gloria Shayne and (appropriately named) Noël Regney. We at PS22 wish all of our friends, family, and supporters the happiest of holidays!!


  1. We did a amazing job I �� the harmany����

  2. That was good singing to being in the christmas/holiday season.


  3. Do you seriously hear what I hear? I hear myself SCREAMING because we did an amazing job. (That was maybe funny. But I forgot to laugh. :x)

    - Le Nadia

  4. This is wonderful. It is a great beginning to the Christmas season. I am watching the snow flakes outside and listening to this rendition - absolutely brilliant.
    I know you have been invited to perform at the Presidential inauguration - just read that you need donations to be able to accomplish this - please people, these kids need this, deserve this - 50 million youtube hits- hurricane Sandy hit Staten Island really hard - these kids are strong (they are platinum)
    I am Canadian - they have brought many people a lot of happiness - they deserve this opportunity.

    Mr. B. I stumbled into this site about four years ago. Was looking for "Sloop John B" on you tube. I am realy happy that i came across
    your version of this song - the kids were really happy - this has never changed - you are teaching these kids life skills - to be proud - to be the best that they can be.

    God bless, Merry Christmas,

    PS If you can, can the kids sing
    'Silent Night' in the next month. It would be brilliant!

  5. @CF, thanks so much! We actually did "Silent Night" last year and in 2007.... Here are the links to those performances:

  6. Omg we rocked are chrismas cheer right out of are seats we worked really hard and thats what makes us a step further for makeing people happy and joy full after hurican sandy we are trying to bring some chrismas spirit and some more joyfull noise !!! :D :D

  7. Beautiful... I love listening to you all!
    Watching the students sing brings even more meaning to the words... Thank you for sharing your gifts with the world!


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-- MGMT. :)

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