Monday, October 08, 2012


PS22 Chorus of 2013 tackles what is surely one of the definitive classics in the history of pop music, "Wonderwall" by Oasis! With a simple acoustic guitar accompaniment, the kids absolutely nail this! And props to Dorian (whom you may remember wrote a song a couple of years back that the PS22 Chorus of 2011 covered called "Light The Fire") for his soulful delivery of the solo. It's hard to believe how tight the new 2013 crew sounds after little more than a handful of rehearsals, but the evidence of their hard work is indisputable here...


  1. They are good. I mean really good. But before I sound like a broken record (again) I'll just complain that I won't be able to listen to Wonderwall on the radio any more because your version is so much better.

  2. Would it be a crazy idea if the Chorus would perform Dorian's song?

  3. The entire 2013 chorus must have been dipped in "awesome sauce" at the beginning of September.

    A great beginning to another fantastic year.


  4. Hahahahaha my two bro's dorian and nick. You did good dorian

    Delaney 5@126

  5. i love this song haha great job dorian
    Nyema 5@130


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-- MGMT. :)

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