Saturday, October 20, 2012


There was no way the PS22 Chorus of 2013 was not going to have a blast tackling "Ho Hey" by The Lumineers -- such a fun song!! What WAS somewhat surprising, was just how quickly the kids would make a success of it.... Here is yet another song this prolific new group of fifth graders, learned in only one rehearsal! Special thanks to Mr. Eberle for joining in on the mandolin, and as always, Ms. Lisa for filming!!

UPDATE 10-22-12: The Lumineers posted the chorus's version on their Facebook page, saying "Thanks PS22" and calling it "a great cover..."  On  their Twitter page, they added "Looks like we could take a few pointers from these guys..."   Thanks to the band for their gracious feedback!


  1. great job ps22 2013 and nice video editing nice t-shirts i want one just kidding im a big fan

  2. Le hur. I love it. And I also love the land as much. Just one question: Y U NO MORE AWESOME? Le durr...

    - Le Nadia

  3. Hey hey love this video

    Autumn 5A128

  4. Hey that's my cousin^lol

  5. We did goooood!!!!!!!!!!! mr.B picks the songs . Thank you mr.B

    Delaney.R. 5@126

  6. Impressive! It was fun to watch. And this is why music is sooooo important in school. Music brings us all together. Great job PS22!!!

  7. That song was aweome.I give a ho and a hey to ps22 chorus.

    From Nick

  8. Mr. B for a national Teacher of the Year or Decade Award. Who knows how to start that campaign?

  9. Awesome!
    Do you would sent me your arrangement?
    Greetings from Germany


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-- MGMT. :)

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