Sunday, September 30, 2012

Behind The Music!!

Super exciting news!!  PS22 Chorus of 2012 is featured in the new VH1 Behind The Music: Carrie Underwood special that debuts tonight!  The show incorporates footage of the song "So Small," one of two songs she performed with the kids during her recent visit to PS22! The PS22 segment is an emotional closer to the episode! Make sure to catch it!


  1. I early am moving I can't be in chorus any more. I will miss u guys a lot this was the way to tell u guys.hope u get the news sincerely Mahala5@105 fell free to text back I will be checking on u guys now &then

  2. Mahala, we will miss you tremendously, and wish you lots of luck at your new school....


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-- MGMT. :)

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