Monday, August 20, 2012

Staten Island's Premiere of Once In A Lullaby: The PS22 Chorus Story

Photo credit: Irwin Seow

On August 14, Staten Island Yankee Stadium and Rooftop Films hosted the local debut of ONCE IN A LULLABY: The PS22 Chorus Story Jonathan Kalafer's critically acclaimed documentary about the PS22 Chorus's journey to Hollywood to perform at the 83rd Annual Academy Awards! With hundreds of people in attendance, the film found its most appreciative audience yet! To make the night extra special, we invited some of our legendary alumni members to sing at the event. Check out some of those amazing performances below!

Big thanks to Rooftops Films, S.I. Yankee Stadium, and of course to Jonathan Kalafer, the director of ONCE IN A LULLABY, for filming the festivities at the ballpark!! And make sure to follow all the updates about the film on his Facebook page!


  1. Hi there :)

    I've been a huge fan for a few years now and I'm beyond excited that you've been getting more and more attention lately.

    As some other people wondered back in April - how will we be able to see the documentary abroad?
    I live in Slovenia, where we only get a certain amount of movies in cinemas (or on DVDs), so I wonder if it will be available online?

    Good luck to the 2012/13 group!

    Mr. B, you rock :)I've had some awesome teachers, but you are on a whole other level!

    Greetings from Ljubljana,

  2. Congrats to all concerned, you are ALL legends! :¬)

  3. Oh...That's cool :)

    Angel 5A-127


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