Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The PS22 Chorus PSA Debuts!!!

Presented here is the magnum opus of the PS22 Chorus of 2012 -- "Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane in full three part harmony (a first for the chorus!) as featured in the public service announcement for the National Forest Foundation, which debuted tonight and will now be appearing on the Discovery Channel and all its affiliated networks! Below the PSA is the full three minute 'auditorium' version of this magnificent song, featuring pics taken by Ms. Lisa the day of the shoot....

Big thanks and props go to Discovery Creative, creative director James Gilbey, director Jeanne Kopeck, DP Andrew Turman, producer Joanne Golden, agency producer Marley Bunce, editors Tom WelbornWalter Padgett, and audio mixer Chris Toland!! Still more great performances to come from her our 2012-ers, so not to fear!!  In the meantime, check out more pics from the PSA shoot, the first two kindly provided by Andy Turman!

UPDATE (7-20-12): Big thanks to Perez Hilton for his awesome praise of the PSA!!


  1. After seeing the PSA my thought was 'I want more' and then I saw the full chorus version. And now my mind is humming the melody all the time.

  2. Thank you, Andre! The kids outdid themselves on this one.... :)

  3. Amazing, inspirational and uplifting! Great job to all involved.

    LUV IT:)


  5. Absolutely astounding! I'm am so frequently blown away by these kids; it doesn't seem possible for them to continually one-up themselves, and yet, here I sit speechless and filled with the emotion that they each gave wholeheartedly to their performance. When I "grow up" I want to be just like them!

  6. Very beautiful!
    I loove it!!

    I wish that I could have a cd from them!!! its soo amazing!

    this little angels have fans in all world, includ here, on Brazil!

    You guys dont have a cd???
    I buy!!!!

    Gooooood job!!
    I loooooove this littles!

  7. Hey i wish I had a cd of you guys i love your music i heard of you guys from my music teacher she rocks. Do you have a cd?
    If you do i will buy it im your fan.

  8. The TV commercial about saving the forests introduced me to this WONDERFUL group. I did my research and loacted their website. The song "Simple Things" brings tears to my eyes every time I view / hear it. Can it be obtained anywhere (by them of course)? Thank you! G. Parker, Simi Valley CA


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-- MGMT. :)

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