Sunday, June 24, 2012

PS22 Chorus of 2012 on ABC World News Tonight!!

The PS22 Chorus was featured again on the nationally syndicated ABC World News Tonight! Check out the fantastic piece that aired below, which focused on the kids' cover of Adele's "One And Only" and the PS22 Chorus Documentary!


  1. For a variety of reasons this phenomena that you developed at PS 22 simply missed my radar.

    Yesterday I was watching the Olympic trials and happened to catch the news. Wow!

    Great job Mr B. I can tell that you appreciate all of your kids. Please continue to keep tabs on Kiarah. That little girl has amazing talents.

    Also I would love to see and hear more of and about your former students. I think it would be another great project to trace them as they progress through life.

    PS. You have a true gift not only for teaching, but also for arrangement. Have you considered doing something original?

  2. I am not usually big on tears..but I could not control my
    emotions as I watched this..I LOVE THIS.This is what education needs to be about...It took me back to all the choirs I participated in D.C. elementary school. I have a new appreciation now..and will look for ways to contribute to this awesome opportunity for the young.
    Lover of music and Social Worker

  3. This is soooooooooooo COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is one of my favorite songs:)

    Chloe <3


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-- MGMT. :)

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