Monday, June 11, 2012

PS22 Chorus is YUNA-fied!!

On Thursday, the PS22 Chorus of 2012 was treated to a visit from the Malaysian sensation known as YUNA, truly one of the greatest new artists we've heard in quite a while! YUNA was thrilled with the recent PS22 cover of her song, "Live Your Life," and was compelled to come down and make music with the kids! The kids performed and recorded four songs with her, including "Live Your Life," "Lullabies," "Remember My Name," and "Decorate" (the last which the kids learned only minutes before her arrival)! Check out the performances below! UPDATE (9-3-12): Just added -- An alternate version of "Live Your Life" featuring Mr. Eberle on the bass!

Huge thanks to YUNA for coming down and leaving an indelible mark on all of us, Rob Stone, Sonia Aneja, Ashley Purdum from Fader (that featured PS22 Chorus in a behind-the-scenes video when we recorded background vocals for Passion Pit three years ago) for setting up the visit, Ms. Lisa for the beautiful vids, and Victor & Bonnie Breinberg for the fantastic pics included on the post!

1 comment:

  1. I found these videos when I was looking for Yuna. I COMPLETELY FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU GUYS!! The enthusiasm & expression in the way u guys sing..I have no words to describe it. You guys are just amazing. Maybe this is how angels sound like...Lots of Love,

    -Mona, Malaysia


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-- MGMT. :)

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