Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Here the PS22 Chorus close out this amazing school year with an annual ritual. This is an original song called "Butterfly" which seemed fitting for the day, as the kids end this phase of their journey to go on to spread their wings and bestow their love and light upon the world....

And for all those who are already suffering PS22 Chorus of 2012 withdrawal, not to worry!  Much more to come from these kids.... On Monday, the kids went into a recording studio (courtesy of our friend Yuna and her management) and recorded five songs! More on that soon. They also recorded a Public Service Announcement for the National Forest Foundation which will begin airing nationally in July! There are also several previously unposted performances from the group including some of the best yet! With all this to look forward to, as well as some videos featuring some of your favorite PS22 Chorus alumni, there is plenty of reason to stay tuned to PS22 throughout the summer!


  1. On one hand it's sad to see them go. On the other hand I really like the smiles on their faces when you made them promise never to forget their time in chorus. And then there's Michael who's not just accepted but really a part of chorus. And on the third hand (erm...?) I'm looking forward to the videos we'll get during summer.

    Oh, and as I'm just typing: Thank you Mr. B. for giving the kids so much to learn, helping them become more confident and for letting us peek. And thank you to all of the kids who not only sang so beautifully, but also shared wisdom (Thoryn immediately comes mind) and shared their fun with us.

  2. I am NEVER gonna forget my memories in P.S. 22 . I love this so much. i miss you already guys!!!!!!!!! :,(
    Love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. WE will never forget you all!!! I don´t know the story about Michael but what I could see behind your songs is... just huge, enormous! In a single word: lovely.

    Iuri, from Brazil

  4. I cried, like every year.
    Really important question: I live in Germany...where can I watch "Once in a lullaby"? I really really want to and don't know how :(

  5. I miss you guys SO much!!!!

    Angel 5A-127

  6. I don't know why I didn't recognize it before but there's a point on Br. B's speech where the exact words are really important: You said (and I just watched the video again to check my memory): "keep making me proud" instead of something like "make me proud". I think I caught another of the 'teaching more than singing' parts.

  7. This is the first time i'm seeing this and I had to comment on it! What a beautiful song for anyone breaking out of their shell and becoming the amazing person they were meant to be. Love it! I'm sure I'm not alone in saying we want more! Love your style of songwriting :-)


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-- MGMT. :)

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