Friday, May 04, 2012

Still Not Over Underwood...

We added the second of our two performances with Carrie Underwood to our recent post! Check out the beautiful new addition of "So Small!"


  1. i been watching the videos of the ps22 chorus and it sounds great and the music you sing are great to a like Carrie Underwood and at least she sang with your chorus i wish i can just see your chorus sing in person your chorus does a good job keep up the good work and im a big fan.


  2. So awesome. Not only the singing but also what happens afterwards. I'm quite sure the kids learn a lot more than singing.

  3. I love the chorus so keep doing what you are doing all of you -qimanie

  4. So proud! I went to 22 but did not sing...Maybe you should pitch to Ryan Murphy that you kids compete against the New Directions of Glee!! Now that would be a great episode!!!!

    K.Withers Staten Island.

  5. You are all so lucky to be in this "family" and have the support of everyone in it.


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-- MGMT. :)

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