Sunday, April 08, 2012

PS22 Chorus is Still Crazy After All These Years

Before the PS22 Chorus of 2011 performed at the Academy Awards ceremony last year, they were visited by Linda Saffire & Steve Rosenthal, who filmed and edited a very memorable video that was shown before the kids did their Red Carpet interview. Since then, I have stayed in touch with Linda, who is an amazing person. Recently, she and Steve's wife Peggy contacted me, asking to see if we could surprise Steve with one of his favorite songs, "Still Crazy After All These Year" by Paul Simon in honor of his anniversary. Here are the magnificent results!


  1. do you have a 4 grade chorus can you please make a video of them.

    love cristie,brazil

  2. Tht was kewl! And the pic of Khilil was so funny....LOL!

    Angel 5A-127

  3. Hi everyone, I am a primary school teacher in Dunbar, Scotland with a p2 class. I came across your blog accidentally this evening and haven't stopped watching it since. You are all truly inspirational. Fantastic voices and clearly an amazing school with amazing staff and pupils :-)
    Lynne Lewis


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-- MGMT. :)

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