Friday, April 27, 2012

PS22 Chorus Is Overwhelmed by Underwood!

Yesterday the PS22 Chorus of 2012 was treated to one of the most wonderful musical guests we've ever had the pleasure of hosting, the amazing Ms. Carrie Underwood, who took the time out of a busy schedule of promoting her new album to come visit and make music with our favorite fifth graders!! The kids had the pleasure of performing 2 songs for, then with Carrie. Check out this jaw-dropping performance of her debut single, "Good Girl" with Carrie and the kids!! The dueling solo parts between Carrie and PS22's Kevin was one of the most startlingly amazing musical moments I've ever been lucky enough to witness! Easy to see why her new album is called, "Blown Away," because we ALL were!!
And this next video is the more emotionally driven of PS22's two recent performances with Carrie Underwood. Whereas our first collaboration on the previously posted "Good Girl" is an energy-driven rollercoaster ride, this version of Carrie's hit, "So Small," is a stunning impassioned masterpiece. Our personal favorite moment comes at the conclusion of the second verse, when Kahlil and Kiarah get together for a gorgeous duet on the second verse, and Carrie, obviously lost in the moment, almost forgets to come in on the refrain! Some fantastic bonus footage (both silly and emotional) from the visit is included here as well...
Biggest thanks to Carrie and her management for coming to us for an unforgettable day of music-making! Also thanks to Ms. Lisa for the amazing video footage, and Scott Vollweiler for his incredible photo contributions to this post!   (Additional great pics provided by Victor & Steven Breinberg!)  More to come....


  1. That was a great experiance...Carrie was really nice to us...We all sounded AMAZZZINNNGGGG! <3

    P.S.The third pic made me lol when i saw Carrie and Kevin dancing...LOL!!

    Angel 5A-127

  2. You guys sound incredible! I'm Blown Away and jealous (in a good way)of all of y'all for not just meeting Carrie, but singing with her too! Best of luck and wow! :3

  3. It was so fun to sing with Carrie Underwood we did so good and it was really amazing to sing with her and all u girls and boys did great!!!! Including me <3. -Zaria 2012. Chorus

  4. You guys sounded amazing, once again.

  5. You ALL RoCK !!!

    These kids have an amazing teacher! <3

  6. Wow. Super dualing solo. Congrats to Kevin and the whole Chorus.

    Bruce Gardiner

  7. WHAT! That was amazing. Just when I think I've seen this chorus do everything (and I've seen everything your chorus has ever performed), you guys blow me away again. Goosebumps. Mindblown. Heart full.

  8. I just watched the performance and all I can say is wow! You guys are so talented and sounds amazing! Keep up the great work =)

  9. Are you sure you're only teaching music, Mr. B? I think you're teaching so much more.

  10. the girl who was crying is such a sweetie pie

    and also the chorus kiarah,kahlil,kevin are such a blessing to you guys

    im also starting to miss divina with her smile on her face at all times

    send my love to her

    byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelove delred

  11. Best day ever it was fun when Kevin did his solo


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-- MGMT. :)

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