Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"The Boy With Pink Hair" by Perez Hilton (UPDATED)

PS22 pays tribute to its best friend and avid supporter Perez Hilton by bringing his beautiful best-selling children's book with a timeless message to life! Perhaps the most fun we've ever had creating a video -- the kids acted, sang, and even co-wrote this fantastic production! You may have noticed a lull in our posting schedule the past few weeks. This is attributed to the fact that the chorus (and the classes involved) have been hard at work putting this short film together. We hope you love it as much as we do, and agree that it's been worth the wait! With that in mind, PS22 is extremely proud to present "The Boy With Pink Hair" by Perez Hilton, and we dedicate this project to you, Mr. P. Thanks for all the love, support, inspiration, and friendship. No one has done more for our children than you. It has been your continued support that kept the mind-blowing opportunities coming for our children. You've directly had a hand in changing many lives here in Staten Island, and of course all over the world as well. We are blessed to have you as part of our PS22 family!

We think the kids AND the staff that were kind enough to donate their time made this an extra-special PS22 performance! Leave a comment and let us know what YOU think!!

UPDATE 4-18-12: Check out this awesome acknowledgement from Perez AND also a tweet from Celtic Woman (who makes a musical cameo in the film) below!

UPDATE (5-6-12): PS22 Chorus received 100 signed books from Perez for all the kids who participated in the production!! What a class act! Here's a video of the kids saying thank you that was filmed on my cell phone!


  1. LOL!!!! Mr Scotto looked so pretty...And the actors and actresses did so good!!!

    Angel 5A-127

  2. Mr. B. I want u to know that I showed the PS 22 videos that u post to my kids. Especially the Extended version of the 2011 Red Carpet Special interview with you talking about how much you love these kids and how much you truly love and feel so lucky and blessed to do the work that you do. I told them that this interview shows that you are the absolute perfect example of SUCCESS! You have worked hard to find a career in life that you just cant wait to get up everyday and go straight to it and thank God for every night when you get home. Another way that you are such a wonderful example of success is the amazing way you are changing and inspiring the world and the lives of the beautiful kids! I hope that the PS 22 movie comes out in DvD and would LOVE to have a live dvd and cd of all your kids performances! You are an amazing person and a truly wonderful inspiration to us all! Thank you for being the perfect role model for my kids as well as all of your students! Wendy Carlton and family.

  3. Hey Mr. B, I noticed your kids do a lot of Adele songs. I dont know if your school does community service or charity fundraiser projects or not but if so you guys might like this one its unusual but very worthwhile. I can also see your kids doing a special birthday performance of Adele songs as a personal message to her for this! Check it out you guys would be awesome for this! http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/officialadeledaydreamer. This is a Non profit organization thru drop4drop. The idea is all Adele fans (known as Daydreamers) are trying to raise enough funds to pay for "21" wells that provide clean water in poor villages around the world in Adele's name for her birthday on May 5th. This is supposed to be a surprise for her since she holds this charity especially close to her heart. We think this will mean A LOT to her. Please check it out on website listed above it tells everything about it & drop4drop and their mission. The belief is that clean water should be a right for all people not just something taken for granted by some! If you cant or arent allowed to do this with your students thats fine I understand but please pass this along to your family and friends I am sure u will see by the video about drop4drop how desperately this is needed! Thank you for inspiring your students and us all by the wonderful work that you do! Have a wonderful day! Wendy Carlton and family.

  4. Mr B.,
    Just in case the above website for adele bday drop4drop charity doesnt work I have read that this lady can answer all questions about it! On twitter contact her @JJDaydrmerQueen,
    On facebook: Jennifer D, On youtube: jjoanbeav59. This is not me! Except for my cell phone being only internet access that I have, I dont have twitter, facebook or even email account. When I am on limited internet on phone the only things that I look at are PS 22 videos & blogs and Adele's website as I am a huge fan of both! Oh and Celtic Women too. But PS 22 and Adele are perfect fit together! If u cant do the charity with kids I understand but please! pass info on to family & friends! I believe Perez Hilton may know about this charity, on the website it looks like he was sent info about this via Twitter. So you can ask him about it too. Just wanted to try to pass on as much info as I can for you. Enjoy!

  5. I showed this to my mom and she loved it!! This was SOOOOO fun to do!!!

    Chantal B. 5a127


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-- MGMT. :)

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