Thursday, February 02, 2012

PS22 Chorus Ushers in Groundhog's Day with Mayor Bloomberg and Chuck!

Yesterday, the PS22 Chorus of 2012 performed at the opening ceremonies for Groundhog's Day at the Staten Island Zoo, that saw Mayor Bloomberg and of course our resident groundhog, Chuck, in attendance! And no offense to Philadelphia Phil, but we stand by our Chuck's prediction for an early spring! Thanks to Kenneth Mitchell for inviting us and Ms. Lisa for the great pic at the title of the post! Two more pics below courtesy of Gothamist.


  1. OK Gregg - did the Mayor comment on your hair style again?

  2. Indeed he did. "I liked you better with the ponytail." Teachers just can't win with Mayor Bloomberg. ;)

  3. That was so fun...At least the Groundhog didnt see his shadow...Summer is coming!...Or is it spring?

    Angel 5A-127

  4. It's wonderful to see your kids once again in the news! Have you asked the mayor why is he closing so many schools, essentially killing all the arts and music programs in many of those schools and then opening up new schools but cannot offer music (choir, instrumental, etc.) to those students? A school that can offer children many curricular activities which provide a well-rounded education is a school where children are learning, growing and happy to be there. Tell the mayor how important it is to have more art/music programs in the high schools. Thank you.

  5. LOL Angel. I loved the trip.Im going back every year now!!!

    Chantal 5a-127

  6. The ps22 chorus SO Talented!!!!! ;

  7. mr.b - do you have any videos of the choir meeting mayor bloomberg?


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-- MGMT. :)

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