Wednesday, February 29, 2012

PS22 Chorus sings for Paul Simon at 'New Yorker for New York' Gala

On Monday, the PS22 Chorus had the honor of singing for an army of celebrities (including Alec Baldwin, Lorne Michaels, Jimmy Fallon, Brian Williams, etc.) that were in attendance at the 2012 New Yorker For New York Gala at Gotham Hall in N.Y.C.! The kids tore it up and blew away the appreciative audience who gave the kids a well-deserved standing ovation! Most notably, the kids that night had the honor of singing their rendition of Bridge Over Troubled Water" for songwriting legend Paul Simon! Mr. Simon was incredibly gracious and in awe of our fifth graders, enough so to come backstage to meet the kids and congratulate them after their chilling performance! Check out some highlights below, including a PS22 Chorus debut of the song "Start Over" by Beyonce (featuring a tremendous solo delivery from Kiarah) that the kids rehearsed during their soundcheck!  UPDATE (9-3-12):  Just added --  a new version of "Edge of Glory" by Lady Glory also performed at soundcheck....

Thanks to Mr. Eberle for his guitar accompaniment, Ms. Lisa for the amazing videos, Ms. Laurie (and again Ms. Lisa) for the great pics featured on this post! (More below!)


  1. So great to hear them with such great acoustics and proper mic-ing!

  2. kiarah has to be the next beyonce

  3. Good job guys!


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-- MGMT. :)

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