Friday, February 17, 2012

PS22 Chorus Performs "The Greatest Love of All" for Whitney Houston Tribute on CNN

On Wednesday afternoon, the PS22 Chorus was invited by the Piers Morgan Tonight show on CNN to sing a Whitney Houston song for a tribute to the amazing talent who was taken way too soon. With the show airing tonight, I was really hoping we would have time to do the song justice. I should know my chorus better than that by now.... The kids pulled off an absolutely ASTOUNDING version of "The Greatest Love of All" (written by Michael Masser and Linda Creed)! Major props to the chorus and soloists Kahlil & Kiarah for nailing this on such short notice and a minimal amount of rehearsal! Here is the truly touching version we recorded just hours before the filming.

And you MUST watch the equally amazing performance they gave on the Piers Morgan Show here!


  1. hi mrb im having so much fun out here but i miss all of u. i feel like im missing somethimg.i love the video i just wish i was there to support u guys and whitney. love
    zyasia 5a-127

    1. Ps22is awesome I go there and this is my opinnion

  2. Whittney voice was rlly good...And i feel rlly bad that she isnt with us anymore...When she left the world wasnt the same... R.I.P Whittney "We Love You Whittney"

    Angel 5A-127

  3. I have been on your blog for two days straight and I can't get enough. You guys are everything that is right with this world. Thank you for putting it out there!

  4. OMG... I've only discovered you guys. You're amazing! I've blogged about you today!

  5. PS22 Chorus I didn't find the words :)
    You guys have a fan in germany now


  6. I was having a "magenta" day and came upon PS22 Chorus by accident, finding this delightful blog, and remarkable young folks.

    What talent you all have. You sing wonderfully, and seem to be enjoying your craft.

    Kudos to Mr B for setting an example of what a "mensch" is, and for teaching hard word, team spirit, and reaching a goal. The icing is we can all enjoy these great entertainers.

    My magenta mood went away and you all put a smile on my face again. A cyber-hug to all you great kids. "Wuv" you all.

    So Ca

  7. Mr.B im 17 but i wish i was 10 or 11 so i can have these moments.


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-- MGMT. :)

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