Tuesday, January 03, 2012


Kevin and Kahlil put together their own version of "Grenade" by Bruno Mars, so we brought Daniel-san in on bongos and put the chorus on backup duty to get this great (and unintentionally amusing) spontaneous version of the mega-hit!


  1. I love that song " Grenade " from Bruno Mars since i was 9 or 10 years old! Funniest prt was Take a bullet straight threw my brian! lolz!!!!

    Angel 5A-127

  2. I loved the cover!
    Kahlil's singing is brilliant!!!

  3. LOL its so funny how daniel san says take a bullet straight through my brain...haahahahh LOL....

  4. this choir rocks this will never happen without mr.b

    p.s magor props to daniel kahlil and kevin

    p.s.s daniel san is really funny

  5. Ps22 you guys can really sing i liked you tyra banks video on youtube


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-- MGMT. :)

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