Saturday, November 19, 2011


From the masterpiece of an album entitled, THE LION AND THE COBRA, here is the PS22 Chorus of 2012 singing "Jackie" by the brilliant Sinead O'Connor). The kids love the song and really do it justice! Daniel on the drums is spectacular, and Briana handles the solo parts magnificently! Thanks go to Mr. Eberle for bringing in the electric for this one, and to Ms. Lisa, as always, for her beautiful filming! This performance will definitely prove to be an all-time favorite!


  1. Major props to Daniel and Briana! Both were so fantastic. I am in awe!
    One of my favorite parts is always the final note and the kids's enthusiastic reaction to yet another job well-done.

  2. brianna you ROCK! and daniel... well that was shocking. great job everybody.

    kaitlynn f. 5a-126

  3. We sounded so fantasic....Oh and Mr Briengberg what did Sinead O Conor say? Did she love the video!?
    All i know is nobody can bring us down NO MATTER WHAT happens...Always believe in yourself bcuz you know who you are in the inside....

    5A-127 Angel

  4. Ahh man too bad i wasnt here i missed a great song. We did great on this. 

    5A-127 Chantal B.

  5. lol chantal! it's ok thats not all we'll be singing. I missed about five recodings. But we gotta leave stuff in the behind. Divina (classroom 5A-127)

  6. Briana 5A-126
    P.S. 22 chorus rocks!!!!!
    i <3 u Mr. B oxox (baby cousin says I love u man!)
    U guys sometimes bring me to tears every time I watch our recordings on my computer.
    P.S: Mr. B, literally I wish that I was in 4th grade chorus so that I could spend another year not only doing the thing I mostly love but just to be with the best music teacher ever!!!


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-- MGMT. :)

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