Monday, October 24, 2011

Wild Horses

Covering one of the best songs ever written, here is the PS22 Chorus of 2012 singing a poignant version of "Wild Horses" by The Rolling Stones! (Our arrangement definitely owes a lot to The Sundays and their brilliant rendition.) This song was a special request by one of our favorite fans, and we dedicate this to Zen! Props to Kiarah who performs the solo parts beautifully, and to the entire chorus -- they certainly sound like they've been at this gig for much longer than the mere month and a half the new group has been together!


  1. Beautiful! I'm so thrilled that you picked this song and did such a terrific job with it.
    I'll be eternally grateful. ;-)

    Major props to Kiarah! That solo was sublime. Loved it! Harriet would be proud.

    But once again to all of you: Well done! You really connected to the song and made it believable.

    I hope many people will watch it and be as enchanted by it, as I am.

  2. Perfecto!!! Even though we were a little crazy...The goal is acomplished!

    5a-127 Angel

  3. kiara strikes again.

    kaitlynn f. 5a-126


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-- MGMT. :)

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