Monday, October 17, 2011

"Theme D-rickilous" mashup with PS22 Chorus and Malawi school choir!

Okay, this completely made our day! Apparently The Jacaranda School for orphans in Malawi, Southeast Africa, discovered PS22 Chorus's "Theme D-rickilous" video we made for Ricki Lake and Derek Hough and did their own version of the song! (Ricki Lake, class act that she is, will be donating all her earnings from her Dancing With The Stars appearance to Jacaranda the Foundation!) Ricki's team put together this "mashup" video of both group's performances! How wonderful to see that the PS22 Chorus is inspiring children all over the world!! In turn, WE are inspired! Check out the video and more appreciative praise from Ricki on her Twitter page below!

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-- MGMT. :)

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