Monday, October 10, 2011

PS22 Chorus Discovers Paradise!

Here is the PS22 Chorus of 2012 performing the new Coldplay song, "Paradise," which they learned in only two rehearsals! Our new crew is definitely on an impressive roll! And how about that Kahlil on the leads??


  1. i love it i think this is our best one so far.i love this video so much.


  2. Off to a grand start for 2012. Love seeing all the new music. Way to go kids! You rock!

  3. Omg love u guys your the best keep doing what you are doing i should know

  4. the 2012 chorus rocks they sing so good their version should be in the i tune store i will buy so many songs from them

  5. hey mr. b. this was the a really nice video.

    kaitlynn f. 5a-126

  6. Hi Mr. B,
    Is Ms. Lisa no longer recording? If so, I hope she comes back!


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-- MGMT. :)

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