Monday, July 04, 2011

"Changed My Life" 2011 Retrospective

Check out this heart-warming video from members of the PS22 Chorus of 2011, reminiscing on this phenomenal year. The kids truly speak with a wisdom beyond their years...


  1. Old souls, Mr. B... Hope u don't mind but I'd like to share this video on my page.. I have some followers who are teacher who would love to see this.

  2. Hi I'm coming over from KB's Best Friend and I just want to say that you are amazing Mr B & EVERY child should be so blessed to have a Mr B in their life. Your influence on these children will stay with them for their lifetimes. You make a difference!!!

  3. You guys are wonderful. I've been following you and your group the last few years in college and its such an inspiration. I'm going to start my first year as an elementary music teacher in the fall. I read somewhere that you audition your students? I have a 5th grade choir and its supposed to be auditioned. What all do you do in your audition to pick who is in the group? Any help would be so appreciated from someone like you!!

  4. I love this. Teaching life lessons through music and self-expression. Keep it up. You are changing the world for the better.


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-- MGMT. :)

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