Tuesday, May 31, 2011

True Colors

The PS22 Chorus of 2011 is going full throttle as we head towards the end of the school year with this gorgeous cover of "True Colors" by the legendary Cyndi Lauper! Another glorious accomplishment from our favorite fifth graders... worth the all sorts of black and blue I'm going to be tomorrow!

UPDATE 6-1-11: Thanks must again go to PS22 champion Perez Hilton for posting this on his blog!


  1. Mr B I have to say this is my favorate this year! They sound like angels
    I had a huge smile on my face especially watching you fall so gracefully! Hope your knee isn't seriously injured

  2. WOW! A wonderful take on this great song. The harmonies are great here. Way to go kids! Need to get Cyndi to come and sing with them.

  3. This is wonderful! I have chills, everywhere. This is one of my favorite covers of an all time favorite song :)

  4. Hello! You're amazing!:) I like what are you doing with this children!:)
    When i listening you i feel myself like im in HEAVEN! They're sweet and talented!:) I wish you the best! I wish your dreams come true!:)) I love it and the chorus!


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-- MGMT. :)

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