Sunday, May 01, 2011


The fans have spoken and your two favorite PS22 Chorus originals are "Stay With Me" and "True North"

And make sure you vote in our new May Poll on the right sidebar! This month's poll allows you to vote for your favorite PS22 Chorus hip hop cover! Be an educated voter, and check out the 4 nominees below!


  1. To all the students and to Mr. B,
    You are bringing so many smiles with your talents. Super job and congratulations to you all.

  2. My computer must be broken because it will only let me vote for one of my favorites--not all of them! Serlecting just one is just not possible.


All comments are subject for approval. So be patient if it doesn't appear right away. I do my best to reply to all comments, but time doesn't always allow. Every comment is read and appreciated, believe me!

-- MGMT. :)

PS NO spam will be permitted.