Friday, April 08, 2011

Price Tag

The PS22 Chorus kids had a fun rehearsal today preparing for their upcoming appearance at Avery Fisher Hall in Lincoln Center with Eric Whitacre this Sunday! For an energy boost, we worked out this short version of Jessie J's hit "Price Tag" which the kids took all the way!

Thanks to Ms. Lisa for the great filming and title pic!


  1. loooooove this song!!!!:)
    brinna(krispy kream)

  2. wow that was great i love it

  3. I think it is a very nice song!

  4. Well, I have met you through a work we are doing in English classes.
    We are from an high school named Ramon Llull. It's in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.You are wonderfull kids! I love your voices and your coordination while you are singing.

  5. Hello, I'm a student of 2nd year ESO of Ramon Llull, a high school of Palma. I like a lot all the songs that these children sing.

  6. I'm Emil and I am from Spain.
    I like your song, it's very nice and you sing it very well.

  7. Hello, I'm a student of the high school Ramon llull in Majorca. I think that your songs are very happy and very nice.

  8. Hi! I'm a student from Majorca, in Spain. I think that your song is very nice and you have a very well coordination, it has a very wonderfull mean:)

  9. Miguel Ángel CabañeroApril 11, 2011 at 3:43 PM

    I think the song is beautiful. It makes me fel happily!!

  10. Hello! I'm from a High School from Spain. This song it makes me happy!!
    Congratulations!! :)

  11. Hiiiii! I love you PS 22. I'm from IES Ramon Llull, in Palma, and I think you sing very well! OMG! Like true BIG singers, because I think you are true singers! I wish you can sing more.

    See you!

  12. Hello :) I'm a student from Spain. You all make a great chorus. I love all your videos!

    Keep it up! :)

  13. Hello, I'm a student of 2nd year ESO of Ramon Llull, a high school of Palma,Spain.I love how you sing and me and watched all your videos and every time you surprise mi more, congratulations guys.

  14. girl from the bayou (Louisiana)June 24, 2011 at 2:10 PM

    I just graduated from high school and I was also in the choir. PS22, you guys would blow my old school choir out of the water! I'm talking about TEENAGERS ages 15-18, most who have previous training & experience in singing. You all sing from your hearts and it means something! Your song covers are beautiful! Extremely! I would have traded places just to sing with you! Great job you guys!


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-- MGMT. :)

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