Tuesday, April 05, 2011


The PS22 Chorus of 2011 sings ever so sweetly on the beautiful Elton John ballad, "Daniel." Congrats to Adham on his solo debut, and what a phenomenal job he did on such a difficult part. Certainly one of the more poignant additions to the kids' repertoire....

Beautifully filmed by our wonderful Ms. Lisa!


  1. I have already lost count of how many times I hit the replay button. This is marvelous!
    I feel like raving endlessly about every single one of the kids in the video. But I'll make it short: You all feel the music and it shows! This is why I (and everybody else) love this chorus so much.

  2. AWESOME!!! love to see the new soloists finding their own voices....

    Can't wait for more.

  3. Mr. B these kids OWNED this song...they sound WONDERFUL! As a huge Elton fan it is nice to hear them sing a song I love and do it so well! Keep up the good work; and WTG Adham that is a tough song to solo it's always nice to see one of the boys get up there and give it their best :-)

  4. Wow...you guys have done Daniel with such great pathos...with a depth of feeling much greater than in Elton John's original. And your arrangement, Mr. B, also creates an opening for the rush of feeling the kids have produced.

    Congrats to you, Adham, for the solo. Hope you get another.

    It really is all about sitting down and singing...right in the auditorium.

    Peace & continued blessings to you all,
    Bruce Gardiner


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-- MGMT. :)

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