Sunday, March 20, 2011

PS22 Chorus vs. Madison Square Garden! (Spoiler alert: PS22 wins!)

On Friday, the PS22 Chorus of 2011 brought the house down at Madison Square Garden, opening the NY Rangers vs. Montreal Canadiens game with both the Canadian and American national anthems! The kids were in top form and brought the enthusiastic crowd into an almost unprecedented thunderous roar!! Check out the amazing performance below, as filmed by our wonderful Ms. Lisa!

The kids truly had a fantastic time at the Garden! Highlights?

1) Singing the anthems of course! You can check out pro-shot versions of both anthems below, courtesy of the Rangers website!

2) Watching the video the kids shot earlier that week for the Rangers (featuring team highlights set to PS22 Chorus's rendition of Eminem's "Not Afraid") on the jumbotron during intermission!

2) Meeting up again with our friend, former America's Next Top Model Finalist and current MSG personality, April Wilkner! The kids had a blast breaking out their Top Model poses with April, and April is just a spectacular and inspiring person!

3) Another definite highlight was meeting singer/actress Gloria Reuben, who specifically requested to meet the kids when she found it they were singing at the game! Gloria is truly an amazingly talented lady -- in addition to her role on ER, she is also a former backup singer for Tina Turner, so her praise truly did mean the world! As just reward for her kindness, she was treated to a superb a cappella rendition from Denise of an Aretha Franklin song we've been working on! (We "Think" you'll enjoy it.)

Thanks to Ms Laurie and again to Ms. Lisa for the beautiful pics you see on this post! More below!

The victory dance!
The two Top Models, Jay-La & April!
Mr. B on his tippy-toes... (April still has to crouch down!)

Denise dazzles Gloria Reuben!
The PS22 Chorus kids chillin' out in their VIP suite!

1 comment:

  1. WOW Great pics, it looks like a good time was had by all :-)


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