Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Light The Fire

At rehearsal on Friday, the PS22 Chorus surprised a remarkably talented third grader named Dorian with a rendition of an impressive and cohesive song written by this young man which he calls, "Light the Fire." The chorus loved the song, and Dorian was pretty blown away himself to hear it brought to life by the PS22 Chorus! Beautiful job to Abigail on the solo, and congrats to our third grade prodigy, Dorian!


  1. The words and music are a heart tugger!. A song of promise, determination... Talented writer in the making... He's got a great future. Keep writing Dorian....

  2. So beautiful. You are working miracles!

  3. I am out here in California, and I must say Mr. B you are doing a fantastic job with the chorus and Dorian that is an amazing song. Don't ever let go of your dreams and always remember to light the fire!!

  4. Love this song!!! Need to have that third grader in two years!!!! He has Panzeera written all over him!!!!
    And of course i love Abby!!!!!

  5. WOW! This was better then the Oscars! What a beautiful song. Inspirational is the best word that comes to mind, but the talent of these kids is beyond words.

  6. Another beautiful expression of music!!!

  7. WOW Dorian! You are AMAZING!!!
    My son is in 3rd grade just like you.
    I teach 2nd grade in Oklahoma and I can't wait to show my students what a great writer you are, you are brilliant. Way to go Dorian, Chorus, and Mr. B! You are moving mountains, my friend!!!
    Much Love <3
    Mrs. Tackett

  8. Count me in as a fan of Dorian! What an inspiring teacher and group!

  9. I luvyou so much dorian this is your cousin angelica


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-- MGMT. :)

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