Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Freelance Whales Crank PS22 Chorus's Generator!

Here is yet another amazing collaboration featuring the PS22 Chorus! Yesterday the kids were visited by the Freelance Whales, and it was a match made in musical heaven. What truly great musicians and unbelievably generous souls... We at PS22 are MOST impressed! Check out the two songs the kids performed with the band -- "Hannah" & "Generator (First Floor)!"

Thanks to Ms. Lisa & Ms. Laurie for the beautiful vids and pics that accompany the post, Mr. Eberle for his amazing guitar work, and of course, major props to Marquis, accompanying the band on the drums (and improvising his part no less)!! Biggest thanks of course go to Freelance Whales and their management for coming on down to PS22 and giving us all an unforgettable afternoon of music and good cheer! More pics below!


  1. WOW they sound awesome!! I think my favorate part of this is how the band sat in with the kids!!

  2. Hi guys ! I just discovered you : I'm french and didn't know your amazing work...

    But I do now, thanks to Freelance whales : and collaboration with Little Dragon ?! this is amazing ! Five minutes ago I was moved to tears by "Twice"... too beautiful !

    Lot of talent, most of all : great soul and spirit... keep going ! :)

  3. Hey Mr.B, its Isaiah B from chorus 2009-2010 You've continued to do amazing work with the kids. Do I sound like a grown man when I say that. I'm trying too. Anyway I came for Serious talk! There is this awesome little girl singer named Rhema Marvanne. You might have heard of her or i might have told you in a comment already, but i never remember those little things. Well, if I didn't tell you about her look her up and l insist. Please look at the song Note to god that she did a cover on. It was originally sung by Charice i think. Ps. I think she is 8 years old.

  4. Yes, Isaiah, you do sound like you've gone from 10 to about 30 in the course of a year! MISS YOU, BUDDY! I will definitely look into the song... :)

  5. Some of the coolest indie sounds I have heard in a while... thanks for the exposure and how great of the group to come and really be one with the chorus.... very humble and authentic.The kids had so much fun and sounded AMAZING!

    Awesome band-- a must add to the ipod list


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-- MGMT. :)

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