Thursday, March 03, 2011


Obviously it's been rather hectic 'round these parts lately, making it pretty difficult for us to keep the blog up to date with the exploits of the PS22 Chorus, but we will try our best to get everything up to date by the end of the weekend. In the meantime, you can (somewhat) catch up on all things PS22 you might have missed by following us on PS22 Chorus's Twitter page.


  1. Saw the extended version..all I gotta say is " your talented kids are killin us" Wow, your group makes me smile and brings tears always....

  2. They are even singing at the airport. :D Did they rock the plane as well?
    Your performance at the Academy Awards was awesome!! Best part of the show. ;)
    Well...just awesome!!
    Best wishes to SI,

  3. APOLOGIES?????? You owe no one that. I'm surprised you're still standing after that amazing week. I'm also exhausted just thinking about what you folks accomplished. Congratulations on a fantastic achievement - and yes I'm looking forward to all the stories, videos and pictures - whenever you can get to sharing them.

  4. No apologies necessary!!! What you and the kids have done is amazing - and I am so happy for all of you.


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-- MGMT. :)

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