Sunday, February 13, 2011

PS22 Chorus Press Conference

On Friday, PS22 Chorus performed and interviewed at a press conference held in the school's auditorium! Seven different news agencies were in attendance, so be on the lookout for the kids who will be featured in:

NY Daily News -- Monday 2/14
CNN American Morning -- Monday 2/14 6-9AM (ET)
WXTV Univision Noticias -- Monday 2/14 or Tuesday 2/15 6-7PM (ET)
The LA Times -- Monday 2/14 or Tuesday 2/15
MTV The Seven -- undetermined day this week 5:30PM (ET)
Time Magazine -- this week's upcoming edition
NBC Today Show -- Sunday 2/27 7-9AM (ET)

Check out three amazing deliveries from the kids' performance at the press conference!

"Firework" by Katy Perry

"True North" by Mr. B

"Round And Round" by Ariel Pink


  1. It ws great to hear you all singing Firework. It was great with Ithacapella--but hearing your voices alone....WOW, really nice.

    the the new recordings of True Norht and Round and Round really improved on the originals....

    Happy travels,
    Bruce Gardiner

  2. Impressive newscast ensemble you got there! This year's chorus is really scoring big time (and still headin' for more).
    It's kinda sad, that you could probably be a millionaire by now had the DoA not put all these restrictions on the chorus's commercial endeavours. On the other hand, it has kept you grounded and humble amidst all the hype. And I'm thankful for that.

  3. Amazing! =)
    I hope you'll have a great time in CA.
    And I'm very much looking forward to the Academy Awards!
    Best wishes,

  4. This is so great. I love the way the kids all move. Movement and song seem so integral to me and I feel the static nature of many choirs is a barrier between them and their audience. not so here.

    Owen Sharpe

  5. can you please post an MP3 download of "Round and Round?" this is so beautiful.

  6. Mr B I must say True North has to be one of my favorates!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
    Chris's mom :-)

  7. Love listening to the videos. The kids are phenomenal, and you are a very special teacher. Would love the hear then kids sing "Weighty Ghost" by Wintersleep

  8. You're great, Mr.B! I wish I were one of your students. Kids, keep singing with your heart! God bless you all....

  9. You guys make me feel so good. I can't help crying, happy tears of course, every time I watch you sing:) You make my day every single time! Mr.B, you're amazing:)


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-- MGMT. :)

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